EASTOVER- Bobbie Schrader, 3, passed away on July 23, 2022. Bobbie became part of the Schrader family on July 7, 2019, when he was rescued from a feral cat colony.

Bobbie, also known as “Bobidurs,” “Bobbie Cat,” “Bobbers,” Bobbly Wobbly,” or “Bobalito,” enjoyed attacking feet, rough housing with his siblings, unloading groceries, snuggling, sunbathing, rolling in the dirt, and getting in people’s cars and waiting to leave. His favorite toys were electronic cords and curtains and his favorite place to sleep was in the bed with his family or on the blanket on the couch. He loved to eat bread, chicken, and sneaking food out the dog bowls.
Bobbie enjoyed visiting the neighbor’s house, exploring fields, and any car. He hated water and being told what to do. Some of the best memories of Bobbie was of him playing with fish in the tank, riding in the car and sometimes even driving the car.
Surviving are his parents, Jo’vonnie and Sarah Schrader; sibling, Aubriella; fur-siblings, Little Boy, Phee Phee, Olly, Tilly, Buggy, Nick, Blossom, Maze, Daisy, Lillie, Tick; and special friends, Duck and Dice.