SUMTER- Chewbacca Dolan passed away on June 17, 2023. Chewbacca was adopted in February of 2008 in Alaska.

Chewbacca, also known as “Chupa,” “Chewie,” Chupacabra,” or “Wild Man,” enjoyed eating human food, chasing his sisters, sleeping on a heating pad, and eating lasagna. His favorite toys were his Tricky Triangle and anything with a string.
Some of the family’s favorite memories were of him getting up on the roof and teaching Tabitha how to get up there too. Taking up half of his mom’s chair at supper time begging for food. Playing in the yard with his toys and siblings. Sneaking into any new open doors, wondering what magic lies behind them, and burying his head in the bag of cat food with just his rear end hanging out.
Left to cherish his memory are his parents, Michael and Jennifer Dolan; and sibling, Kaley. He was preceded in death by siblings, Korg and Tabitha.
4 thoughts on “Chewbacca Dolan”
Please accept our condolences for the passing of your beloved pet, Chewbacca.
Thank you. He was a special boy.
Chewie Always knew His Grandmother when she came to visit Going to miss him he was always at my door waiting for me to come out so we could have Breakfast together
Thanks mom. Chewie loved you. I’m so glad you got to spend some time with him and see how wonderful he was.