SUMTER- Taya passed away August 28, 2023. She was born April 16, 2010. Her parents’ got her from Moody AFB located in Valdosta, Georgia as a retired military working dog.
Taya, also known as “TayTay,” or “The Mamas,” loved playing with her toys(mostly her Kong toy) and chasing after her tennis ball. When she wasn’t playing, you could usually find her napping in her bed, or on the floor right up against the wall with all fours in the air.

Her favorite foods were Fruit Loops and Veggie Straws!
Some of her Dads favorite memories are being on deployments and doing walks at 2am with Taya. A shared favorite memory is when Taya burped in moms face after she had eaten her poop.
Left to cherish her memory are her mom and dad, Armand and Corena Myers; and fur-siblings, Nightwing and Luna.