SUMTER- Dagousek passed away August 26, 2023. He was born September 6, 2004 in the Czech Republic, Ostrov Town.
Dagousek, also known as “Daggie,” “Daginka,” “Douglas,” “Dagisinicek,” “Miminko,” or “Milacek,” loved to do anything his mom would do. Some of those things were paddleboarding, Kayaking, running by their bicycles, fetching, relaxing and chilling in the sun, or being in the woods hiking.

He loved anything that squeaked and had eyes. He would tear it apart in less than five minutes, the face being the first to go.
Dagousek loved whatever his mom and dad cooked for him, but meat and carrots were his favorite, as well as bone marrow.
In almost 19 years his mom has so many memories, every day was her favorite with him. She loved his change when he was rescued, from being this afraid animal to a boy who had amazing self-esteem, was not afraid of anything, and loved everybody. Paddleboarding with him was so much fun, biking and when Daggie would unwrap his Christmas presents. He was so happy, and just like a child, he loved surprises, presents, and games.
Left to cherish his memory are his mom and dad, Dasha and David Smith; siblings, Lucy and Kajik; and cat sister, Scarlet.