Miyagi was adopted July 24, 2020 in Huntington, WV. He passed away February 8, 2024.
Miyagi, also known as “Boy-yo,” “Bubby,” “Oogie Boogie,” “Oogie,” “Oggy,” or “Puppers,” loved going for walks, eating Pup-Cups, eating snacks or his stuffed bones, playing tug-of-war with his toys, snuggling on the couch watching TV, hanging out on the porch, and of course car rides. Every time his parents would ask if he wanted to go for a ride he would freak out and run to the front door doing his happy dance while barking and whining.
Miyagi had many favorite toys and most all of them had squeakers inside and were fluffy. His stuffed raccoon, stuffed fish, chewy rope, and stuffed pizza were loved the most by him.

His favorite place to sleep was next to his parents on the couch or in the bed, on his bed with his favorite blanket, or in his crate with his stuffed animals.
Of course he liked to snack, his favorites were bacon bits, peanut butter dog cookies, whipped cream, sliced ham and cheese, white rice mixed with his kibble, and minced chicken and steak.
His parents’ favorite memories of him were Whenever they would come inside from going to the bathroom, he’d always without fail have his “zoomies” throughout the apartment, running around at break-neck speed (sometimes with a toy in his mouth) until he ran out of energy. Sometimes he’d forget where he was going and run so fast in and out of rooms that he’d run into doors/door frames without warning (he was always fine though). The times where he would express how happy he was and he’d show us with his “pitty smiles”. The times where he would snuggle on-top of his moms giant stuffed teddy bear and fall asleep on it. When he would snuggle with them on the couch and watch tv with them. He would always, without fail, force his way between them and lay down right in the middle. This sometimes resulted in him literally climbing on top of either his dad or mom JUST so he could find the perfect spot. Whenever he wanted to snuggle with them under the blankets, he would “paw” at the blanket as if he was digging, which was his way of telling them “let me in under the blanket humans!”. The funny sounds he sometimes made in his sleep while snoring. Sometimes he’d bark in his sleep, which would sometimes wake him up and he’d look around wondering where the thing he was barking at was. The times where he would sit and stare at them whenever he had to go out. They know this because when he did this, he would wiggle his butt while he was sitting, causing his entire body to wiggle like he was doing his “pee dance”. The moments where he would cuddle with (and sometimes on top) of his mom whenever she’d have panic attacks/anxiety attacks, never leaving her side. Whenever he’d win at “tug-of-wars” with his toys with them, he would get all prideful of his victory and swing his head (and whatever toy was in his mouth at the time) back and forth wildly, as if he was bragging about his victory in front of them. Sometimes he did this with his rope toys, and when he wildly swung his head back and forth, the rope toys would swing around EVERYWHERE, sometimes hitting them in the process. His excited whines he made whenever he’d see something new on their car rides. The times whenever they would go through drive-thrus with him, where he would prop himself out the window and have half of his body sticking out JUST so he could say “Hi” to whoever was in the drive-thru window. The times where his dad’s mom and his mom’s Grandma came to visit, he would snuggle with them and always be by their sides. The time where he saw his first ever snowfall in Huntington, WV and they went on walks with him while it was snowing. He’d always be wearing his doggy jacket whenever we went on our “snow-walks”.
Left to cherish his memory are his parents, Timothy and Hayley.