Chloe was adopted from the SPCA on hwy78 in Summerville SC sometime near April 2005. She was about 7 weeks old. She was the only female out of litter of orange tabbies.

Chloe passed away on January 17, 2025 around 4pm at Wateree Animal Hospital in Camden SC. Super nice Veterinarian doctors, Techs and receptionists.

Her mom called her “My Little Clo Clo” lots of times.

Shirley Jean Bowen is her adopted Mama for about 20 years of her whole life.

Chloe’s siblings were/are Smokey, Snowshoe Siamese 22, Barney mixed Russian Blue 12, both passed 2 to 4 years ago. Little Miss Peabody, grey tabby 10, is still with Chloe’s mom. All of their favorite toys are long stretchy strings or ties off sports cloths or bathrobes that chased behind her, colorful ping-pong balls that she would bat across floor and a winner is the little infrared grey mouse light her mom would shine for them to chase when she was lazy. Oh, they enjoyed the tunnels also. CHLOE’s FAVORITE was kicking under the sheets as her mom changed my bed! They all loved it but it was a favorite habit and joy for Chloe and she didn’t understand why they were not as overjoyed as she was.

Chloe was her mom’s pillow baby for the 20 years. She slept on her pillow very close to her mama’s head. Her pillow was identical to mama’s pillow. In the morning to wake her up, she would stick her cold nose in her mom’s ear and if that didn’t get her up she would lick her eyebrows.

They all loved Purina Beyond dry food with the big apple on it and fancy feast Pate chicken! As a treat to brush their teeth, the only greenies they all liked were the catnip greenies. They loved Meow-a-wana catnip spray on their sleep areas as well.

A humorous time for mom was when Chloe would never cover her poop.. Barney and Smokey took on the job while they were alive but when they passed, Miss Peabody would not think of covering it, so Mama covered Chloe’s poop when she went and definitely cleaned litter boxes daily & sometimes twice and took to dumpster during her walks to keep her fur-babies happy. They were the boss. Chloe had a 102 year old friend of her mom’s who she absolutely loved for 13 years and she would get so excited when he came to see her. These are some of our favorite memories with Chloe and our times together. Leave this to your imagination when a big blue lizard got loose in the house & all 4 cats were chasing the poor thing. They actually slid on the floor and hit the wall.. Nobody was hurt but their mom had the best laugh and helped the lizard out the door. Thank you Chloe for giving your mom such joy. Hope you found Smokey & Barney over the rainbow. Love you ❤️