Tyson Ellis

Tyson was rescued from his mom’s job on July 24th with his sister Stella. Unfortunately him and his sister escaped their kennel to go on a little adventure September 25th and Tyson was stroke by a vehicle. Although he was with his mom a very short, she loved him dearly.

Tyson was a sweet soul that absolutely loved giving kisses and getting loves from his mom. He was very attached to his sister and you never saw one without the other. He was very trusting, playful and gentle. Stella always looked out for her brother as if she knew he was too innocent and trusting.

Tyson enjoyed playing with his sister, shredded chicken made by his Aunt BJ and getting all the loves and kisses anyone had to offer.

He was too sweet for this earth and was taken way too soon. He leaves behind his beloved sister Stella, his adopted siblings Sophie, Tucker, Bobby and Sebastian. His Aunt BJ who spoiled with shredded chicken and pretty new collars and his cousin Molly. And of course his heartbroken mom.

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