Kholoe Morrow

Kholoe was gotcha’d by her family on November 4, 2013. She was a rescue, but she is the one who actually rescued her family. She passed away on October 4, 2024.

Kholoe, also known as “KK,” “Baby Girl,” and “Kholoe Jane,” loved eating, sleeping and having her belly rubbed. Her favorite place to sleep was on the couch, her parents bed and on her doggy bed. Her favorite food was EVERYTHING. She loved it all!

Their favorite memories of her are too many to list…. She loved her fur brother Ollie, her humans; Mom, Dad, her human brothers and their families, especially her human Nieces and Nephews. She loved her human Aunt and Uncle greeting them with lots of tail wags. She always greeted everyone at the door to get love and give tons of love. She loved to chase the squirrels out the yard and just the mention of the word squirrels put her at attention. She was so loved and is missed greatly. Thank you to all the doctors of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery and staff for taking loving care of her through the years. 

Left to cherish her memory are her parents, Sherry and Doug Morrow; sibling, Oliver aka Ollie.

1 thought on “Kholoe Morrow”

  1. I have been down that road too many times, but know your emotions and heartache. To this day I still get a little teary eyed when I think of our fur babies that crossed over that rainbow bridge. Stay strong and cherish Ollie, your love for Khloe will always be, it never leaves, trust me. Prayers to you and Doug.

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