Frequently Asked
Cremation FAQ
Here are some of the questions we are asked a lot! If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to Contact Us!
Is it better to cremate or bury a pet?
Although the decision to cremate or bury your pet is ultimately a personal choice, there are certain factors to consider when deciding between cremation and burial. Do you have a space to bury your pet? There are no rules or regulations that prohibit burying your pet on your own property but consider, will you be ok leaving your pet behind if you move? Do you have other pets that would disturb the grave? (A burial casket can help prohibit other pets from disturbing a fresh grave.) Is there a pet cemetery close by for you to utilize? These are some factors to consider if you decide to bury your pet. If you do not have a burial spot, or do not wish to leave your pet behind in the event of a move, cremation is the way to go. Cremation also offers the opportunity to always have a piece of your beloved pet close to you in the form of an urn or ash-holding jewelry.

How much does it cost to have a dog privately cremated?
The cost to have a dog cremated privately, one in which your pet is the only pet in the cremation chamber during the cremation process, can range from $125 – $375 depending on the weight of your pet.
Is it wrong to cremate a pet?
Absolutely not! It is never wrong to cremate your pet. Cremation is a personal choice that has many benefits. It allows you to always have a piece of your beloved pet close by and does not require personal property or purchase of a burial plot. Cremation is a practice that dates back to 2,000 B.C. according to Wikipedia. It has been a part of human deathcare for a very long time and will continue to be a respectful and dignified way to memorialize a loved pet.

Should i cremate my Dog?
As we help guide our clients through the loss of their furry family members, we are often asked, “Should I cremate my pet?” If you don’t have personal property to bury your pet or haven’t purchased a burial plot at a pet cemetery, cremation can be a preferred option. Cremation also allows you to carry your pets remains with you if you move. With cremation, you may purchase an urn to display your beloved pets remains or an ash-holding necklace to carry a part of your pet with you always.
How do i store my pet's ashes?
Ashes can be stored in several different ways. You may store the ashes in an urn or several smaller keepsakes. Ashes can be stored in ash-holding jewelry, or you could bury your pet’s ashes on your property.

When should a pet be cremated?
If you would like to always have a piece of your pet with you, cremation is a great option. Also, if you do not have property or a burial space for your pet, cremation is an affordable alternative. After your pet passes, final arrangements should be made as soon as possible. At Peaceful Paws Mortuary & Crematory, we have the proper equipment to hold your pet until the cremation can be completed, and we NEVER freeze your beloved pet.
What are the pros and cons of pet cremation?
One of the top benefits to cremation is the ability to always have a piece of your beloved pet’s ashes with you, even if you move. If you bury your pet, it is harder to move that pet’s remains if you move. You may purchase cremation holding jewelry to hold your beloved pet’s ashes and always have a piece of them with you. Another advantage to cremation is that you do not have the physical toll of digging a grave or have to worry about other pets or wild animals disturbing that grave.
There are not many cons associated with cremation, but cremation can cost more than burying your pet on your property. Another con is that although cremation has been around since 2000 B.C., some people still do not like the idea of cremating their pet.

How much does it cost to cremate a dog in SC?
The cost to have a dog cremated in S.C. will vary depending on weight and type of cremation selected. A private cremation, one in which your pet is the only pet in the cremation chamber during the cremation process, can range from $125 – $375. A partitioned cremation, one in which multiple pets are cremated together but are separated by dividers so that you are able to get your pet’s ashes back, range from $75-$225. Communal cremation, one in which multiple pets are cremated together and ashes are not returned, ranges from $25-150.
What happens when your dog is cremated?
First, your pet will be placed by our trained staff into the crematory. After the cremation is complete, the ashes will be removed from the crematory. Then, depending on the type of cremation, the ashes are either returned to you or respectfully scattered. You can learn more in our article, What happens when your dog is cremated?