Sketch Clark

Elgin, SC – Sketch “Etch A Sketch” Clark, 11yrs, passed away on March 5, 2023. Sketch was gotcha’d in June 2011, Killeen, Texas on the families move to Columbia, South Carolina.

Sketch, also more commonly known as “Etch A Sketch” was full of life and loved creating memories with his fur and hooman friends and family. His favorite toy was any ball he could find lying around or tossed to him. He was fond of belly rubs and would do anything to entice mommy to rub his tummy. Sleeping was an art and bedside by mommy’s feet was the most common and his favorite place to sleep. Sketch liked to keep his favorite foods traditional and relished the best chicken and rice in town.

Some of the Clark’s family favorite memories of Sketch are spending time together, playing fetch and tug of war with Brooklyn, and watching him grow along with and into the family. Sketch is survived by his fur sibling Brooklyn, his human siblings Jaide and Jordan, and Mother Melody Clark.

Sketch “Etch A Sketch” Clark. You will be missed, and your memories will remain and forever be cherished.

1 thought on “Sketch Clark”

  1. I never got the pleasure to meet Sketch in person but I have heard wonderful things about him. I know he was a good boy and brough lots of joy to those around him. He will be greatly missed. His memory will live on in our hearts forever.

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