Oliver Ashton Carpenter Costner

Leesville, SC – Oliver Ashton Carpenter Costner, 12yrs, passed away in May 2023. Oliver was born in 2011 and taken home at around 3 weeks old to Cotton Branch Farm Sanctuary, Leesville, South Carolina.

Oliver was the first pig companion to reside at Cotton Branch Farm Sanctuary. The Carpenter-Costner family got him in 2011 at only around 3 weeks old. He was always the most even tempered and kind pig who had never met a stranger. He especially loved when kids would visit him, bypassing all of the adults to run to see them. Since he was so laid back, his herd never had fighting and became the herd where any other pig who was being bullied would join; we knew they’d all get along and flourish in Oliver’s Herd. He taught the family and friends so much about pigs; from their amazing intelligence and curious natures, to their capacity to love and form very strong bonds with their human and pig families.

To say the Cotton Branch Family is devastated by his sudden passing is an understatement. He is the reason the sanctuary started rescuing abused, neglected, senior, and special needs animals; with a specialty in pigs. Because of him, thousands of animals have been saved from abuse, hoarding cases, and kill shelters. There will always be a hole in the hearts of his family, that is the piece he took with him when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Oliver Ashton Carpenter Costner. You will be missed, and your memories will remain and forever be cherished. We will miss him and love him always, and are truly indebted to Oliver. 

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